Snail Aid - Technology for Development

Impresa Sociale 

Via Leonardo Fea 10, 16142 Genova
Fiscal Code: 95112630108
VAT n.: 02119750996
Registered at the Chamber of Commerce with the n. GE-460458
IT38H062302420 2000043799445
snailaid AT
+39 3331655089

    Privacy policy

    Our site uses Stat Counter software to collect information about website visitors. We have chosen to prevent Stat Counter to use cookies, by choosing the Cookie Opt-Out option. In this way, we are still able to study the behavior of our users, to improve our services, while respecting their privacy. Our objective is to be totally transparent; we wish to state clearly how and why the information about you and your browsing behavior could be used in connection to our services. 

    We analyse which are the most visited/enjoyed pages of the site, we collect data such as your IP address, browser type and some other unique identifiers, to better tailor our services. But we only use data in aggregate form. The aim is to use analytic information to understand how many visitors we have, where they come from (which region), what are the most viewed pages, which website browsers are most popular, the interests and demographic of our visitors. All is done with the aim of offering better services specifically suitable for our users. We never try to identify specific people individually and we do not make personal profiles with the objective to provide advertisements. We always seek to comply with applicable regulatory frameworks ( If you need any additional information about this site policy or if you have any other question please contact: